Tag Archives: Venetian glass slippers

Cinderella on Broadway


The other night I went with a friend to watch the Rodgers + Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA at the Broadway Theater. We reached the theater with excitement and anticipation… Inside, it was glorious. On the ceiling was the most gorgeous, glittering chandelier I have ever laid eyes on. It truly shimmered and danced in the light.

Even more magical was the show itself. This CINDERELLA was an update on the original, with several twists- Most that I liked, a couple that I wasn’t quite as fond of. But overall a wonderful and charming performance…

There is lovely set design throughout, from the very beginning when it starts out being in the middle of town, in the woods, to right outside & inside of the cottage that Cinderella stays at, to the throne room of the royal palace, to the castle itself, to the ballroom, to the forest again, then throughout the kingdom, across the river, and returning to the palace and royal gardens.


Also breathtaking was the carriage & horses… Elaborate, delicate, sparkling white, a sight to behold! As was the Venetian glass slippers that took on a central role– Completely dazzling and shimmering like diamonds in the light!


The acting and singing were also superb. Cinderella is sweet, likeable, and has a clear, beautiful singing voice. And while to me the dark-haired prince isn’t *that* handsome, and not likely to have blue eyes (even though Cinderella calls them ‘bluer than blue’), he does have a certain charm and appeal, along with a nice tenor voice. The other stand-outs include the Fairy Godmother and Gabrielle, the eldest of Cinderella’s stepsisters. And my favorite songs were, “In My Little Corner” “Impossible; It’s Possible” “Ten Minutes I Saw You” “Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful?”

I also thoroughly enjoyed the costumes.


What was most amazing was when Cinderella changed from rags to a gorgeous white ball gown seemingly magically, in one fell swoop… A change that appeared right before our eyes, but I’d be hard-pressed to tell you how those rags turned into that elegant, lacy, sparkling, opulent dress. Later on, there was another costume change that was even more miraculous than the first: Cinderella in torn rags transformed into a beautiful golden gown! Then of course the finale wedding gown was absolutely stunning: sweeping, satiny, with to die for vial and tiara — Fit for a princess!



Location: Broadway Theater at 1681 Broadway

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